You're just a Click Away from enjoying a luxury at Boulevard Hotel OwerriBook Now - Boulevard Hotel OwerriThe below rates are inclusive of the following Terms & Conditions; Deposits on all stays in Boulevard Hotel Please note that deposits is required on all your stays Service Charge 10% service charge and 7.5% VAT in Boulevard hotel Owerri Discount Discount applicable on all bookings Check-In Time Our check-in time is 2pm Check-Out Time Our check-out time is 11am Call 30 minutes early Guest are advised to call the front office 30 minutes before checkout Rates subject to change All rates are subject to confirmation and availability and may change without prior notice. Breakfast for four Breakfast for four in Executive Suite and two in other room types. Secure Details at Your FingertipsOur Banking Details Account NameBoulevard Arbitrage Incorporated Limited Account Number1013180277 Bank NameKeystone Bank Proceed to book Proceed to book